Friday, October 22, 2010

Feel-Good Footwork

If you've been working on your fall closet switch or any closet de-cluttering project, you've no doubt uncovered some shoes you're not wearing and could be better used for another purpose rather than collecting dust in your closet. Usually, I send my gently used shoes along with other clothing donations to a local thrift store or Goodwill. However, it turns out there are other outlets for your unused kicks.

One of my favorite blogs,, recently mentioned a program called Soles4Souls. This organization, created after the tsunami in 2004, collects gently used shoes and distributes them to people in need all over the world. According to their web site, we (Americans) discarded more than 300 million pairs of shoes last year alone. So consider a green outlet for your under-used shoes, such as Soles4Souls. They have collection sites and events all over the country, so check out what's available in your area.

You may also have some well-worn athletic shoes kicking around your closet that you're wondering what to do with. The good news is, thanks to Nike's ReUse A Shoe program, they don't have to end up in the landfill either. This program accepts all brands of athletic shoes in any condition and re-purposes all parts of the shoes into material for athletic fields and courts...pretty cool! I was reminded of this program by an announcement for a community recycling event. The program routinely collects shoes at local events, but you can also check their web site for a drop-off location near you.

Bottom Line: Next time you uncover shoes that have been taking up space at the bottom of your closet, consider do-good donation options - it will leave you (and your closet) feeling good!

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